Audience: District Staff: Directors of MTSS, Special Ed, Student Services, Curriculum & Instruction, Behavior Specialists, and School Psychologists
Length: 1 hour
This presentation guides district leaders to move out of Firefighter – chasing behaviors, hopping from crisis to crisis – into Farmer – by growing and cultivating skills in teachers and administrators for more proactive approaches to behavior supports. Participants will assess existing roles and delve into strategies to build capacity in all staff. Using tenants of systemic design and organizational learning, you will receive a road map for comprehensive shifts across the district to better address all students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs.
What will you learn?
- Define the role of district leadership in aligning practices for MTSS-B.
- Identify the current effectiveness of district-level support using the Actions by Impact Quadrant.
- Steps to shift from a reactive to proactive model to supporting campuses in your district to a proactive.