Recorded Webinars

Emergent Tree has recorded the following webinars and makes them freely available upon registration to teachers, administrators, and other professionals in the educational community, as resources for understanding some of the key concepts and topics related to handling student behavior in a school setting.

If you find these or other topics particularly of interest, please reach out using the chat icon at the bottom of your screen to discuss how Emergent Tree Education could support you with further training, consultation, and even software to improve behavior and student outcomes at your school.

Behavior Basics Webinars

These webinars outline how to take an instructional approach to teach classroom behavior skills. The webinars are a great resource for teachers and paraprofessionals working everyday in the classroom.


Basics 1: Flipping Your Focus to a Skills Based Approach

It is easy to focus on misbehavior. But flipping the focus towards prosocial behaviors enables school staff to take an instructional approach to behavior change, leading to greater success for students.


Basics 2: Understanding the Functions of Behavior

Challenging behavior in the classroom can feel unpredictable and difficult to understand. This webinar decodes the underlying motivations of behavior helping teachers feel more confident and competent.


Basics 3: How To Use ABC Data To Understand Behavior

The underlying motivation for challenging behavior is not always obvious. This webinar presents the basics of using antecedent, behavior, consequence (ABC) data to determine the function of challenging behavior.


Basics 4: The Dos and Don’ts of Behavioral Feedback

Building skills requires explicit teaching, but generalizing and refining those skills requires feedback over time. This webinar demonstrates how to provide iterative feedback to improve student behavior and build independence.

Conversations with Behavior Experts

These webinars explore the intersection of behavior and other relevant, timely topics. Mae Coffman, Cofounder of Emergent Tree Education, talks with experts about various topics and how they relate to behavior in schools.

Feb Webinar with Joss Smith and Sarah Pena

Using Systemwide Connection Strategies to Decrease Office Referrals + Boost Student Engagement

Do you feel like you are chasing behavior instead of preventing behavior? This webinar helps tackle implementing a systematic connections routine and explores the benefits for teachers and the transformative impact on students through consistent, intentional relationship-building.

Length: 1 hour

In this webinar, participants will assess existing roles and delve into strategies to build capacity in all staff. Using tenants of systemic design and organizational learning, you will receive a road map for comprehensive shifts across the district to better address all students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs.

Level Up with Implementation of Secondary MTSS-B

Level Up with Implementation of Secondary MTSS-B

Audience: District Staff: Directors of MTSS, Special Ed, Student Services, Curriculum & Instruction, Behavior Specialists, and School Psychologists

Length: 1 hour

In this webinar, participants will assess existing roles and delve into strategies to build capacity in all staff. Using tenants of systemic design and organizational learning, you will receive a road map for comprehensive shifts across the district to better address all students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs.


Exploring Behavior & Trauma Informed Practices

Emergent Tree Education and guest, Roland Toscano, Superintendent from East Central ISD, explore how trauma informed practices and partnerships with other support providers have enhanced multi-tiered behavior systems to meet the needs of students and their families in ECISD.


Exploring Behavior & Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Emergent Tree Education and guest, April Chatmon, Director of SEL & Guidance in San Marcos CISD, explore how campus and district teams can integrate SEL into their multi-tiered behavior systems to improve the educational experience for both students and teachers.


Exploring Behavior & Design Thinking

Emergent Tree Education and Dr. Julie Schell discuss how the concepts of design thinking help tackle barriers to effective behavior support in schools. Design thinking involves building empathy, understanding the problem, and engaging in feedback.


Exploring Behavior & Restorative Practices

Emergent Tree and Mark Medley discuss how restorative practices create strong relationships within the school community and enhance multi-tiered systems of behavior support. The webinar explores making connections and repairing harm.


Exploring Behavior & Mental Health

Emergent Tree and Dr. Amy Grosso discuss how mental health supports impact behavior in schools. The webinar provides strategies to begin discussion in your school about the impacts of mental health awareness and services on students and teacher outcomes.


Exploring Behavior & Equity

Emergent Tree and Dr. Rachelle Warren discuss how equity and anti-racist practices impact behavior in schools. The webinar provides strategies to begin discussion in your school about the impacts of race upon student opportunities and outcomes.

Data To Support Behavior Skill Learning

These webinars introduce the use of software tools to support campus wide behavior supports and classroom behavior management.


From Firefighter to Farmer: A Proactive Approach to District MTSS-Behavior Frameworks

Audience: District Staff: Directors of MTSS, Special Ed, Student Services, Curriculum & Instruction, Behavior Specialists, and School Psychologists

Length: 1 hour

In this webinar, participants will assess existing roles and delve into strategies to build capacity in all staff. Using tenants of systemic design and organizational learning, you will receive a road map for comprehensive shifts across the district to better address all students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs.


More Than Just a Plan: Increasing Implementation of Behavior Intervention Plans in Schools

Audience: District Staff: Directors of MTSS, Special Ed, Student Services, Curriculum & Instruction, Behavior Specialists, and School Psychologists

Length: 1 hour

In this webinar, we’ll unravel the intricacies of managing diverse learning environments, fostering a positive classroom atmosphere, and setting up routines that prevent behavior from disrupting learning.


Collaborative Coaching for Classroom Management

Audience: District Staff: Directors of MTSS, Special Ed, Student Services, Curriculum & Instruction, Behavior Specialists, and School Psychologists

Length: 1 hour

In this webinar, we’ll unravel the intricacies of managing diverse learning environments, fostering a positive classroom atmosphere, and setting up routines that prevent behavior from disrupting learning.


Taking a Skills-Based Approach to Behavior Progress Monitoring

Audience: District Staff: Directors of MTSS, Special Ed, Student Services, Curriculum & Instruction, Behavior Specialists, and School Psychologists

Length: 1 hour

In this webinar, Emergent Tree will provide a brief overview of the most common, evidence-based strategies for behavioral progress monitoring.


Data for Coaching Classroom Management

Audience: Campus Administrators, Instructional Coaches, Teacher Mentors

Webinar Length: 1 Hour

Webinar Learning Objectives:
– Data sets for measuring components of classroom management
– Analyzing classroom management data
– Using data to facilitate coaching conversations

Universal Behavior Screener

Universal Behavior Screening in Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

This course provides steps to integrating Universal Behavior Screening into campus and district Multi-Tiered Systems of Support to provide proactive and targeted supports for social, emotional and behavioral needs.